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Organizations United Earth Sphere Alliance The united world government that kept both Earth's nations and the space colonies under strict control soon became a thing of the past. Using Operation Meteor as a distraction, Oz launches a coup and wipes out the Alliance military. OZ Disguised in the Alliance as the elite Specials division, Oz soon reveals itself to the Alliance and wipes it out. However, leader Treize Khushrenada's goals prove incompatible with those of Oz's sponsor, the Romefeller Foundation. White Fang As Romefeller begins to control Oz, a new resistance group forms in the space colonies. Most are rebellious Oz soldiers who resent Romefeller. It's leader, Quinze, is the mastermind who planned and executed "Operation Meteor" in the first place. Quinze recruits the charismatic Zechs Marquis as the figurehead leader, but Zechs has his own plans for White Fang. |